I awoke the next morning surprisingly early and even more surprisingly fit, no hungover (I think Harald was so kind as to suffer from mine as well, the poor guy was devastated) and hungry again. I hope Andrew Pattison will never find out but last night I had to get rid of that last glass of Shiraz in a very unladylike manner; though the wine was superb, don't get me wrong, but there was something about that last bottle....
After a hearty breakfast the day started with music again at 10:30 ,
First Songs from Enda Kenny, Michelle Chandler and Kieran Halpin. First song meaning the first song that made them want to become a singer, the first song they performed live and the first song they themselves wrote. We could only stay for the first hour as we had to catch our flight to Perth later in the day, but still it was nice to start the day like that. After releaving Kieran of three more CDs we were on our way again. Enda Kenny, Michelle Chandler, Kieran
Not much to tell about the rest of the day. You know how flights are. When we finally arrived at the hostel in Perth we were so tired that we just went for some food in Northbridge ( have you ever seen the film "The strange behaviour of sexually matured townpeople at mating season"? It was like that...) and went to bed. Not that we could have slept, there was a party going on in the common room, well into the night. And we had a very long drive ahead of us the next day, up to Shark's Bay. Guess how pleased I was.