Palatine Wood Gnome

There are many that spread over a much larger territory; that host a wider range of peculiar plants or give shelter to much more interesting wildlife species.
But the Palatine Forest is the largest coherent wood in Germany and, most of all: It's my home.
Why "Wood Gnome"?
Well, I have been named thus because I turn into Rumpelstiltskin kind of regularly when "visitors" come over from the other side of the Rhine Plains (where they have lots of forest as well...) with their huge cars, jamming the streets of my village, drive up to a forester's lodge, have lunch there, return home after a final cup of coffee and then claim "Oh, we have been to the WOODS this weekend"

That's why.

Monday, 24 March 2008

Up north again; Tuesday

We carefully planned our trip to arrive in Yarloop on the appointed time and made a good job of it as we entered the locality in exactly the half hour I had announced our arrival. Mike seemed to have expected a phone call nonetheless (in case we got lost? I have no idea) but that couldn't be helped now.
I have to admit he is very handy. Again not what I had expected, but very pleased. It was a pleasure to meet Rhonda as well as two of the kids later on who didn't seem to be able to make hand or foot of us being there. Mike had the BBQ going and treated us to a wonderful lunch (thanks again for that!!).
Again, I commited a blunder. I am completely disappointed with what the Aussies call 'bread' in this country. It consists of 50% air, 30% water and 20% something, offers absolutely no resistance to your teeth and messes up your digestion completely. So I was more than pleased to spot "real" bread on the table, with a crust that deserved the name, something substantial. That made Mike burst into a laughing fit; he said that just the once when they'd have german guests they wouldn't dare to bring out the plastic bread. And so on..... he could hardly calm down again.
Anyway, it was a lovely afternoon; we chatted till we really had to go if we wanted to reach Fremantle during daylight. I finally got to hear some of McGills songs plus others I liked quite a lot and I have a vague idea now what Mike is doing in Egypt when he is supposed to work....
The afternoon was all too soon over and we parted again, leaving him a bit puzzled after I had delivered the kisses I have been asked to give him. I apologize if that came a bit surprisingly, but I'm reliable in my deliveries. I was asked, so I did. Maybe we'll meet again some day. I do hope so.
This time the predicted time we'd need for reaching Freo was not only right but it took us even longer. There was a fire in the BP Oil Refinery along the highway and we had to take a large detour to reach our destination, just in time before dawn.
But oh my god, what hostel did we land in again. So far we had all possible combinations of clean,big/dirty, small bedroom, well/bad equipped,clean/filthy kitchen, working,clean/sleazy bathroom. But this one outtook most of them. It was big (for one the handrail was not sticky and that was the best feature...) and the managers didn't seem to give a damn about it. The kitchen was .... I won't go there now, I just had lunch....... absolutely sickening.
Two showers (in various states of deterioration) for the whole floor and I won't tell about the giant cobwebs/spiders in the loos. At least our bedroom was kind of ok, but since staying there I have a nasty rash that is still itching like hell a week later and I have no idea where that comes from. Though I have a wild theory......
The town itself was great. Would be even nice to spend a week there and usually I'm not for towns. Very lifely, interesting night life and some nice beaches to spend the days sleeping.
Just the right place to relax a bit on our last day here.

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